The Health Operations Division is comprised of two overarching programs: Business Operations and Clinical Operations. The Business Operations deals with billing and purchased referred care, whereas the Clinical Operations consist of the informatics support and clinic administration.


Business Operations



All third party payer’s health services delivered to tribal members who have private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid are billed as appropriate.


Purchased Referred Care

The Purchased Referred Care (PRC) is dedicated to providing the best care for the most people with yearly federally funded resources. PRC is a critical part of our healthcare delivery system, allowing for coverage of services that are not available at the YDSP Health Services facility.


Clinical Operations


Informatics Support

The Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) is the decentralized integrated solution for management of both clinical and administrative information in these healthcare facilities. The informatics section manages all IT and electronic health records support.


Clinical Administration

The clinical administration and support ensures that all clinics schedules are synchronized and managerially shared between the clinical operations manager and the medical and dental directors.